I was going to start another thread, but I thought it made sense to reply here.
I see the justification for deprecating Nashorn is given as "it's too
hard to maintain". I'd like to understand if that's the real
justification or if the real truth is that the Truffle JS impl is
going to be preferred by Oracle going forward.
I am also curious, in that case, if the question is about performance.
I have been running JRuby -- a far less complex language
implementation than Nashorn -- atop Graal JIT with great results.
Numeric benchmarks are competitive with the Truffle implementation of
Ruby, and with better inlining and a bit of data structure
specialization I'd expect many more scenarios to perform well too.
Truffle goes a long way on the specialization and inlining front, but
the bulk of its gains appear to be from partial escape analysis --
gains I am seeing on JRuby without any modification.
I've just posted a blog entry about running JRuby on Graal JIT, which
shows how a mandelbrot algorithm is many times faster using
*unmodified* JRuby on Graal.
This is without JRuby doing any numeric specialization of code, which
Nashorn does very aggressively.
So what's the actual reason for deprecating Nashorn? Are we
deprecating having a standard JS shipped with OpenJDK, or are we just
picking a winner? Are we sure it's the right winner?
- Charlie
Post by Paulo LopesHi Tony,
By no means a solution, but at the vertx project I've managed to get a small layer that allows you to run the same script (unmodified) both on nashorn or Graal JS (not node)
This is what we're experimenting to smoothly allow us to run on JDK8,9,10,11 and Graal.
Original Message
Sent: June 15, 2018 22:29
Subject: Re: Nashorn deprecation
Also replied to the thread. Our entire platform is built on Nashorn.
Assumed it was the Java answer for JS on the Java runtime.
Post by Jesus LuzonIs there any way to reply to a thread before I was subscribed? I'm pretty
much a noob when it comes to this mailing list process.
As for the deprecation, we use Nashorn heavily for our Edge transformation
layers and would need to find something that's at least backwards
compatible with our use case. Our use case is actually quite simple so I
think it would be easy to get functionality again, but would rather find
something that will last more than a few years without heavy maintenance.
Post by Attila SzegediHey folks,
the best thing you can do is answer to this thread on jdk-dev mailing
list: <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-dev/2018-June/
001338.html>. The JEP is a candidate, and they’re gathering feedback
there. If there’s a lot of community feedback saying people use and
Post by Attila Szegedion Nashorn, it’ll be taken into consideration. Lots of people have
Post by Attila Szegedichimed in on that thread already saying they rely on Nashorn. If you can
re-post your below messages in that thread, it’d be the best. If you are
not subscribed to jdk-dev, you can do so at <
Post by Attila Szegedimailman/listinfo/jdk-dev>.
Paulo, your specific experience of already having tried to replace
Post by Attila Szegediwith GraalVM.js might be particularly significant.
Best regards,
Post by Paulo LopesHi,
As the "core" developer of JS support for Vert.x this is quite some
shocking news as the project really relies on Nashorn for JS support.
I've been spending many hours to get GraalVM.js working and to some
extent we can run some unmodified application with it, but we're not
there yet. For example Nashorn dynalink and Multi threading support are
not there yet.
It would be nice to hear what's the ETA for the removal, will project
Detroit provide a JS script engine (ala Nashorn and will it be
available as a replacement?)...
Post by João Paulo VarandasHello Yikes. Well pointed... that is a drag indeed.
Any news on those questions?
We are completely reliant to this feature in our platform, a lot
ofsoftware customization is made using ECMAScript and runs on top
ofNashorn/JDK8 currently. I was surprised and scared when I saw
that.Hopefully, Jim will bring us good news.
Hi i just read that Nashorn is being deprecated (JEP 335<http://openj
dk.java.net/jeps/335>). First of all, that is a drag. Two(ish)
1) So what is the last planned release of Nashorn? J9? It wasnt'
clear fromthe JEP.
2) Is this deprecation specifically to make room for GraalJS? That
is, isit the Oracle plan to sideline Nashorn and push forward GraalJS
afully-supported, not-just-for-research GraalJS?
Thanks. Important stuff to know for planning for projects dependent
onNashorn / JS support in the JVM!